Sugarcane Crops


Sulphur Deficiency

Symptoms: The leaves become chlorotic and yellow in colour.
Affect: The leaves are narrow and short,reduces the sucrose content .

Potassium Deficiency

Symptoms: Reddish brown strips or spots on the mid rib.
Affect: It affects the plant growth.

Phosphorous Deficiency

Symptoms: Older leaves turn into greenish blue or reddish purple discolouration.
Affect: Reduction in length of sugarcanre stalk, poor tillering,restricted root development.

Nitrogen Deficiency

Symptoms: Leaf blades turn light green to yellow & margins of older leaves become necrotic.
Affect: Short and slender stalk.

Magnesium Deficiency

Symptoms: Red necrosis lesions resulting in rusty appearance,internal browning of rind.
Affect: Fibre content is reduced .

Calcium Deficiency

Symptoms: The leaves become necrotic at the leaf tip and along leaf margins.
Affect: Premature death of older leaves.