Paddy Crops


Boron Deficiency

Symptoms: White and rolled leaf tips of young leaves.
Affect: Reduction in plant height,death of growing points.

Calcium Deficiency

Symptoms: Tips of youngest leaves become white,rolled and curled.
Affect: Stunting and death of growing point during extreme deficiency.

Copper Deficiency

Symptoms: Pale greyish green interveinal chlorosis spreads from tip of leaf base.
Affect: Newly emerging leaves short,narrow and light green,plants shorter .

Iron Deficiency

Symptoms: Leaves become white in colour.
Affect: Interveinal chlorosis.

Magnesium Deficiency

Symptoms: Interveinal chlorosis
Affect: Plants are pale coloured.

Nitrogen Deficiency

Symptoms: Yellowing of older leaves.
Affect: Growth was stunted.


Phosphorous Deficiency

Symptoms: Reddish purplish colour of older leaves.
Affect: Premature leaf fall,reduce tillering in rice.


Potassium Deficiency

Symptoms: Older leaves turn into thick green colour,burning of leaf margins.
Affect: Necrotic spots appear on the tip of older leaves.



Sulphur Deficiency

Symptoms: New leaves become pale yellow in colour.
Affect: Growth is stunted.


Zinc Deficiency

Symptoms: Brown colour spots.
Affect: Growth is stunted,shortening of internodes.